Integrating Mindfulness into Your Professional Practice: Centering in an Uncentered World

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Kutaka-Kennedy, Joy
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This presentation explores the practice of mindfulness for teachers. The rationale for this practice is explored for teachers to become more productive, more effective, and happier. Happier teachers create classrooms where students learn better. By practicing mindfulness, teachers can create and sustain positive environments in which students can thrive. A Mind Body meditation is included as the author leads viewers through a centering exercise.
Before entering higher education Dr. Joy Kutaka-Kennedy spent over twenty years teaching students from pre-school through high school in regular education, gifted education, at-risk education, and special education. Her university responsibilities include course development and oversight, field work supervision, and mentoring adjunct faculty. Dr. Joy Kutaka-Kennedy has the lifelong interest in personal growth, spiritual practices, and becoming a better human being.
mindfulness , professional development , teaching