Defining a post-metaphysical pedagogy for serving growth into higher levels of consciousness and introducing integral evolutionary coaching: a new role within a new ecology of roles
Defining a post-metaphysical pedagogy for serving growth into higher levels of consciousness and introducing integral evolutionary coaching: a new role within a new ecology of roles
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Patten, Terry
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This thesis contains the following sections: Introduction: I set forth the thesis' theoretical context, as well as its research questions, assumptions, scope, and overview. Integral research: I summarize the results of a process of deliberately engaging all the primary Integral research methodologies in turn, bringing them to bear on aspects of this topic and the pilot program through which I have been exploring it. Theoretical thesis: I attempt to define higher consciousness and conduct an exploration of all the key fields, helping roles, and praxes, both modern and ancient, that help people grow into higher states and stages of awareness. Conclusion: I introduce my hypotheses, explore the particular issues they raise, and set forth my conclusions.