A Comprehensive Literature Review into Best Practices of Resilience Curriculum As Appropriate in Alternative Education Settings, A Proposal for Implementing Resiliency Curriculum and the Role of the School Counsellor
A Comprehensive Literature Review into Best Practices of Resilience Curriculum As Appropriate in Alternative Education Settings, A Proposal for Implementing Resiliency Curriculum and the Role of the School Counsellor
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Preston, Barbara
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This project was initiated to investigate best practices to support the implementation of a strengths based counselling practice to foster increased developmental assets through a resiliency curriculum. I investigate characteristics of at risk youth as found at alternate settings. Through conducting a comprehensive review of research in resilience, I identify the expected benefits of the use of the Resilience Tool Kit and explore what the counsellor's role might be in implementing it. This project works towards understanding the research that has been done on resilience and the school counsellor's role in establishing informed practices around implementing resiliency curriculum across alternate educational settings.
strengths-based counseling , resilience