A study to determine if Read Well® is effective with students identified with behavior challenges
A study to determine if Read Well® is effective with students identified with behavior challenges
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Jones, Cheynate
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The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of teaching Read Well® on student growth in reading among Kindergarten and first-grade students qualifying for this Early Primary program mild behavior and learning disabilities that impact their ability to persist in their own learning. There were 7 participants, broken into 2 groups based on their placement test. Each student stayed within their groups the whole time (meaning no students fall behind) and each student increased in their reading levels after taking an end of the assessment. Baseline data, weekly assessments, observational data and teacher input tracked the growth of students while using Read Well®. The results indicate that all students demonstrated reading growth and an increase in engagement and willingness to want to read. All students made gains each week and there were no differences in gains between Kindergarten and first graders, however it was inconclusive whether the growth was a direct result of using the Read Well®.
early literacy , learning disabilities , kindergarten , first-grade students
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States , openAccess