The Importance of Analysis and Design in the Software Development Life Cycle
The Importance of Analysis and Design in the Software Development Life Cycle
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Saavedra Aguilar, Carlos
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Through the computing history, there have been situations where due to a bad planning and design in the Software Development Life Cycle, software products have ended in fatal consequences, from a radiotherapy machine that administrated up to 125 times the maximum amount of radiation that humans can deal with, to two airplanes crashing and killing more than 300 people, in both cases due to faulty software. To prevent situations like these to happen again, IT professionals must be aware that from the wide selection of tools that exist for planning and designing software, not all of them fit all projects, there are tools and techniques that due to their nature, might fit some projects better than others. The approach of this work is divided in two main sections, the first of them, comparing how recent graduates and professionals with little experience deal with this kind of decisions regarding what tools or development methodologies to use. The second, is conducting a research on methodologies, techniques, and listing some of the most common tools that are used nowadays for software development. At the end, this paper will serve as a guide for those who find themselves a bit confused regarding what methodologies and tools they should use, so software can be defect-free, preventing fatal consequences to happen.
software development lifecycle , software development methodologies , tools for software development , software project management , software design , systems analysis
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