Instilling Hope in the Lives of Adolescents in a School Setting
Instilling Hope in the Lives of Adolescents in a School Setting
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Ross, Amy
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Hope is an important psychological strength and acts as a protective factor during challenging and uncertain times in life (Marques, Lopez et al., 2011; Snyder, 2002). Hopeful individuals benefit from this attribute as it impacts their lives in positive ways and provides the impetus for important change to take place (Ho et al., 2011; Larsen & Stege, 2010; Snyder, 2000). Schools are not only responsible for the academic development and needs of students, but also the social and emotional aspects of their well-being. Research strongly indicates that hope is created alongside caring, trusting, and secure relationships with adults, such as parents, caregivers, mentors, teachers, and counsellors, where hopeful thinking is supported, encouraged, and modelled (Jian et al., 2013; Munoz et al., 2019). This paper looks to better understand how the development of hope can be supported with youth in a school environment and through therapeutic interventions with a school counsellor. Important hope-based interventions are discussed as well as school-wide initiatives that contribute to a hope-fostering school environment where youth are understood and adequately supported in the development of hopeful thinking.
hope , adolescents , school-based services , school counselling , goal-setting , hopeful mindset
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