Factors Influencing Serial and Mass Murder

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Nuon, Jannies
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This paper aims to describe and discuss key psychological, sociocultural, and developmental precursors to violence in serial and mass murderers. Having done a literature review, the research analyses and identifies the characteristics of the offenders to understand their psychological state and the reason why they go on the rampage, which focuses and gives an in-depth analysis of adolescence as a period that is vulnerable to environmental pressures that might lead to violent behaviour. Specific areas of concern involve the role of trauma and Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACOA) as socio environmental factors in aggression, focusing on how these aspects come into play with regard to backing up or nullifying individual violent tendencies. Furthermore, the validity of sex differences is examined to determine the differences in motivations and modus operandi between male and female criminals. In response to this, this research also examines media violence, the relevance of cultural factors, and early intervention in counselling psychology to violence. Incorporating ideas from various Socio-Technical Environments (STEs) , the paper advances knowledge of the causes of violence and stresses the need for culturally appropriate, empirically grounded approaches in research and practice. The outcomes stress methodological approaches to combating violence and supporting common causes among psychological, police, and community prevention activities for creating safer environments.
serial murder , mass murder , trauma , violence
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States , openAccess