High-Yield Formative Assessment: Research Behind the "Why" And The Change Leadership Needed to Get There

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Peterman, Joel W. O.
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According to Wiliam (2011), "the greatest impact on learning is the daily lived experiences of students in classrooms, and that is determined much more by how teachers teach than by what they teach" (p. 19). This capstone study identifies high-yield formative assessment strategies and the change management framework that is required to implement them. More specifically, it highlights the importance of formative assessment and its positive effects on student achievement. Formative assessment is the foundation that gathers evidence with which teachers or students can enhance the learning. Dedicated leaders who focus on change to improve student learning can have a positive impact. Through a commitment to change, leaders can inspire all stakeholders to embrace this movement and can provide students with the amazing education they deserve.
change agent , change leadership , collaboration , formative assessment , leadership capacity , leadership quality standard , motivation , professional development , school culture , school leader , shared vision , stakeholders , student achievement , summative assessment
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