Resilience: What Factors Impact it and How Can You Foster it in Schools?
Resilience: What Factors Impact it and How Can You Foster it in Schools?
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O'Hara, Danielle
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The topic that will be investigated is resilience. Resilience can impact an individual biologically, psychologically, and physiologically. A person who has developed lower levels of resilience is more likely to experience biological alterations to their systems, a higher risk for mental health problems and more health problems overall. As a result, this paper strives to answer the following question: What factors influence resilience, and what can schools do to foster it? Through an examination of protective and risk factors, a better understanding of how to foster resilience will be constructed. Within the literature review, the following elements were identified to influence overall resilience: Connection to Family, Socioeconomic Status and Family Resilience, and Early Childhood Experiences. By thoroughly examining these elements and their roles as protective and, or risk factors, the paper will strive to find methods to help strengthen each element's protective factors to positively influence overall resilience. A vital aspect of the research was that resilience is fluid and multifaceted. Therefore, with the right interventions, resilience can be developed in all individuals, allowing for a healthier society. As the research stressed that the most effective interventions are implemented in early childhood, this paper will focus on interventions that can be implemented from within the womb to school-aged children. As a result, the recommendations will focus on a holistic model that encourages community collaboration and a trauma-informed approach to school education.
resilience , trauma , attachment , intergenerational trauma , protective factors , trauma-informed , trauma-sensitive , adversity , social emotional learning
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