A Correlational study: E-mentoring, perceptions of E-mentoring and the actual career advancement of women In educational leadership

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Rogers, Debra
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Weiner and Burton (2016) identified a perpetuating problem of the underrepresentation of women in school leadership, including middle school,high school, combined schools principalship,and superintendency roles,and recommended employing effective strategies to promote advancement. A quantitative study with a correlational design was employed to explore how e-mentoring is affiliated with actual career advancement of female candidates for leadership roles in public schools. A modification of Toland's (2006) web-based online survey instrument was used. Kram's (1983, 1985) mentoring theory,and career development theory specifically, and Gottfredson's (1981) theory of conscription, compromise, and self-creation,described and explained constraints leading to gaps resulting in the underrepresentation of top-level women in public education. The associated women across school districts in the northeast region were sampled using purposive non-probability sampling.To address the Research Question, a point-biserial correlation co-efficient was computed. Additional tests such as Mann-Whitney U tests and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used to assess the significance of differences in the perceptions by demographics (education level, years of experience, etc.). The culminating results could help educational leaders gain further understanding of why gender disparity continues in educational leadership roles in K-12 public school districts and the potential for employing e-mentoring as an effective strategy to promote women's careers in education.
education leadership , female leadership , e-mentoring , public education , gender disparity