Psychological Flexibility and Sustainable Recovery in Early Recovery Within Residential Treatment Centres

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Rabi, Shahar
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This thesis explores the nature and significance of psychological flexibility in early stages of recovery from problematic substance use within residential centers. The six core principles of developing psychological flexibility are acceptance, diffusion, contact with the present moment, the observing self, values, and committed action. This study shows that recognizing psychological distress and negative affect in early recovery allows for interventions that supports sustainable recovery, increased psychological flexibility, and relapse prevention. In order to better understand the context of psychological flexibility, a chapter is dedicated to mindfulness and acceptance based treatments and interventions. The following questions are explored: What kinds of interventions enhance psychological flexibility? What needs to be addressed in educational seminars and counselling sessions to support psychological flexibility in early stage recovery in a recovery centre? The need for a whole person approach to recovery that is creative, soul-centered, integral, and mindful will be stressed.
substance abuse , residential treatment centers