Fostering a sense of belonging: Attachment through movement and dance
Fostering a sense of belonging: Attachment through movement and dance
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Sivorot, Krystle
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This manuscript style thesis seeks to highlight the connection between the use of dance, movement, and music to support attachment development. There is abundant research showing the importance of early attachment bonds between infant and caregiver and its impact on growth and development (Bowlby, 1969; Ainsworth, 1970). Dance/movement therapy (DMT) is a psychotherapeutic approach at the intersection of somatic psychotherapy and creative arts therapies and offers a unique way to support a sense of belonging (Gray & Porges, 2017). Reviewed in this paper is the importance of the relationship between attachment and the body and aims to promote the use of dance and movement for supporting healing and attachment differences. Also highlighted within this thesis, are important aspects of this embodied work involving the therapist and their ability to attune to self and other. This thesis shares implications and highlights significant pieces related to doing this work in the current socio-political context. Examples of how therapists can integrate DMT interventions for the use of practice with their clients is also included. This manuscript aims to inspire therapists to invite creative expression and movement into their work for the development of a sense of belonging and deep embodied relationship.
attachment , dance & movement therapy , attunement , somatic-based therapy , expressive arts therapy , creative arts therapy
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