Resilience Through Trusted Adult Relationships in Foster Youth Aging Out of Care

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Seo, Eric Kyuwon
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This capstone paper explores how professionals in the mental health field can support foster youth as they age out of foster care and enter independence as a young adult. This stage of their lives can be lonely, stressful, uncertain, and intimidating as foster youth navigate a big life transition into adulthood. The research question examined was: how trusted adult relationships can help build resilience in foster youth as the age out of foster care? While the secondary research question asked: how does early childhood trauma impact the trusted adult relationship that is being built? The paper is encompassed through a trauma-informed lens that guides the literature review. The findings from this research show that Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (TF-CBT) is an effective tool to reconstruct an alternative narrative and relieve trauma distress. The recommendations remind practitioners of the trauma responses and how important it is to understand these responses when working with this vulnerable population. This research highlights that trusted adults play a crucial role in building the resilience of a foster youth through empowerment and providing hope.
foster care , resilience , trauma-informed , Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States , openAccess