Impacts of Parent Attributes in High Conflict Coparenting Relationship and the Effect on Child Adjustment

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Johnson, Jessica
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Divorce and separation are global issues that affect both the parents and children involved in this situation and can leave children with internal and external symptoms arising from the adjustment to a new family unit. These symptoms can happen immediately and can be long-lasting. Many risks can affect a child's adjustment, such as the child's resilience, coparenting relationship, and intimate partner violence. Despite divorce and separation risks, families often break up in societies. It is imperative to know these risks. Clinicians are able to understand and explore with these families how they can create better adjustments for their children. This review explored the multi-layered barriers that can contribute to children's adjustment. This critical review involved a methodological analysis of eleven key studies. An examination of many additional studies revealed the complex nature of children adjusting to divorce and separation. It is recommended that clinicians in this population utilize a Family Systems Theory and Attachment Theory lens to support this population. As well as clinicans participate in community psychoeducation around divorce, separation, and children's adjustment.
high conflict divorce , coparenting , parental attributes , child adjustment , divorce , separation