Societal Pressures and Their Impact on Adolescent Males
Societal Pressures and Their Impact on Adolescent Males
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McNair, Maurette
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Adolescent males are suffering due to pressures and expectations imposed on them by society to behave in certain ways. This paper explores the negative impact these pressures are having on this demographic both on their wellbeing and their sense of safety at school. The research describes the mental health issues that boys are experiencing as they try to navigate this already difficult developmental period in their lives. We pose the question: How can school community create a safer emotional environment for boys to flourish? This is explored by looking at the following themes: Theme #1: Mental Health Issues being experienced by adolescent males. Some of the mental health issues highlighted were how boys are feeling isolated while they suffer in silence. We looked at the roles of school and families in helping or hindering these youth. The research found that adolescent males cannot be their authentic selves. They feel pressure to not rely on social connections and drop friendships as they transition from elementary to middle school. Theme #2: Behaviour expectations/gender biases. This theme examines some of the gender biases and expectations imposed on youth by society and in particular, at school by trusted adults. This is causing many to underperform academically as too often negative
messages become “truths”, leading to negative self-concept. Theme #3: Improving school culture and mental health of school community. In this third theme through the lens of humanistic and belonging theories, we see the different ways that school cultures can be improved to treat each individual in an equitable and fair manner. Finally, in chapter three we list recommendations on how to develop and nurture a healthy and safe school community for all members to feel a sense of belonging. Some of these recommendations include community service opportunities, groups and clubs, helping staff become more attuned to themselves and those around them.
adolescent males , societal pressures , expectations , safer emotional environment , mental health issues , isolation , suffering in silence , belonging
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