Chronic Health in Youth: Deconstructing Shame and Dismantling Isolation

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Keira, Houseman
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Chronic health conditions in adolescents have significant impacts on personal, social and academic functioning. The review of literature demonstrates youth diagnosed with chronic conditions exhibit higher levels of anxiety, depression and psychosomatic conditions inhibiting their ability to engage with schooling, peers, and the development of self. Often these medical and social complications result in low self-esteem, feelings of shame, stigma, victimization, and isolation. Additional factors examined in the review of literature that contribute to negative health, social and personal outcomes include social determinants of health. These social determinants of health are viewed through the theoretical lens of Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological systems theory and Fish et al. (2022) Indigenists ecological systems theory. Selected social determinants of health include socioeconomic status, race, gender, and trauma backgrounds. The purpose of the review of literature in this capstone is to highlight the complexity surrounding chronic health diagnoses and how medical and social factors contribute to the experience of not only health but also shame and isolation. Finally, possible therapeutic interventions and resources for educational staff, parents/guardians and youth are discussed. Therapeutic interventions include compassion focused therapy and cognitive behaviour therapy. Resources examined cover bullying programs for educators, parent/guardian groups, integrated youth services, and finally, provincial and national organization that address psychoeducational needs along with a government housing organization to support disadvantaged families.
chronic health , chronic conditions , adolescents , social determinants of health , anxiety , depression , socioeconomic status , race , gender , trauma , shame , stigma , victimization , isolation
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