Teacher Self-Efficacy and the Correlation with Teacher Perception of Leadership Capabilities
Teacher Self-Efficacy and the Correlation with Teacher Perception of Leadership Capabilities
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Llewellyn-Hill, Audrey
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Due to the importance of teacher self-efficacy, including factors that improve teacher self-efficacy, there is a need to further investigate the potential effect of leadership on teacher-self-efficacy. This study was designed to discover whether a relationship existed between teacher self-efficacy and leadership capabilities. Specifically, the study was designed to discover what types of specific principal leadership capabilities are associated with a teacher's sense of self-efficacy. A quantitative correlational approach was used in this study. Teachers from two kindergarten to grade eight districts and one grade nine to 12 district, located in southern Illinois, were surveyed using Bandura's (1986) Teacher Self-Efficacy Scale and Kouzes and Posner's (2017) Leadership Practices Inventory (Fifth Edition). Non-probability convenience sampling was used to select the sample. A Pearson r correlation was used to analyze data for the research question and sub-questions. A statistically significant moderate positive correlation was found between teacher self-efficacy and leadership capabilities. Moreover, a statistically significant moderate positive correlation with leadership was found for each of the five focal variables. These results can be applied to redirecting benchmarks for leadership in principal preparation programs toward a focus on the dyadic relationship between teachers and administrators. In addition, future research may include analysis of which of the seven criteria within the TSES is associated most closely with the five focal variables within the LPI.
Bandura , Kouzes and Posner , leadership capabilities , teacher self-efficacy , perceptions