The Application of Rock Climbing and Physical Exercise to Transdiagnostic Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Emotional Disorders

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Labbe, Todd
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Depression and anxiety are severe global health issues. Significant amounts of research and treatment have created effective evidence-based therapies. However, single diagnostic therapies have weaknesses. Transdiagnostic therapies attempt to resolve these issues by targeting underlying common factors across disorders; this is conceptualized as an emotional disorder. New evidence-based therapies continue to be created to treat anxiety and depression, such as bouldering psychotherapy. However, these continue to use the single diagnostic perspective which can make therapy less accessible, and more complicated. It is unclear if bouldering psychotherapy can be used as a transdiagnostic therapy to treat emotional disorders. This paper explores the common factors among transdiagnostic cognitive behavioural therapy (TCBT), bouldering psychotherapy (BPT) and physical activity (PA) to understand if there are common factors among the treatments that could be combined to treat emotional disorders. Evidence suggests that TCBT, BPT and PA are effective for treating both anxiety and depression. Behavioral mechanisms, such as exposure, are common treatment factors. Speculative mechanisms such as cognition, neurochemical, and psychophysiological are potential but unsubstantiated mechanisms.
emotional disorder , transdiagnostic cognitive behavioral therapy , bouldering psychotherapy , physical activity , mechanisms , anxiety , depression , adult
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