The Role of Educational Democracy in Supporting School Success
The Role of Educational Democracy in Supporting School Success
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Robinson, Katelyn
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The purpose of this capstone study is to understand the potential of educational democracy. Allowing students to become active participants in the learning process through student voice, student choice, global citizenship, and other methods of integrating democratic ideals has the potential to engage and empower students in the schooling process. This can also help with future success because students will have used their school years to practice democratic ideals, fail in supportive settings, and understand their roles as active citizens. Democratic education can also be used to combat many current societal issues that are found in the school setting, such as racism. However, school leaders need to ensure best practices because democracy is flawed. Careful thought, considerations and reflections need to take place to ensure a positive impact is being made through democratic education. This capstone study provides a review of the literature related to educational democracy; democratic ideals, including eliminating racism through democratic ideals; and leadership. Following the literature review, recommendations are made for school leaders on how to begin to implement more democratic learning in their schools. Democracy is constantly changing, and leaders, staff and students who are on the journey of educational democracy will also be forever changing and adapting to fit the needs of the school community.
educational democracy , school leadership , global citizenship , service learning , student voice , student choice
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