Perpetrators of Intimate Partner Violence: A Path Towards Healing

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Clarkson, Renae
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Intimate partner violence continues to be a universal public health concern that is prevalent in all sectors of society. IPV is often repetitive, and the degree of physical violence can be extreme, with one in five homicides in Canada involving the killing of an intimate partner. Given the destructive effects of IPV on the wellness of families and society, there is an increasing need to create and implement more effective, long-term solutions to reduce IPV and its high rates of recidivism. This paper will discuss the frameworks of IPV as well as interventions that are commonly mandated as rehabilitative measures for perpetrators of IPV. Based on current literature, it is evident that many mainstream interventions are not well matched to the therapeutic needs of the perpetrators and, as a result, are ineffective in reducing the rates of IPV recidivism. The focus of this paper is to explore the behavioural issues affecting perpetrators and provide recommendations for interventions that may be more appropriately matched to their needs. If mandated interventions are appropriately matched to the presenting issues of the perpetrators, it is likely that rates of IPV recidivism would begin to decrease.
intimate partner violence , perpetrators , mandated Interventions , perpetrator recidivism , rehabilitation , intervention
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