Readers theater to improve students' reading comprehension: An issue-focused design-based study to better support students reading below grade level
Readers theater to improve students' reading comprehension: An issue-focused design-based study to better support students reading below grade level
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Dill, Ashley
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This study examines the efficacy of implementing Readers Theater on comprehension and reading motivation for lower-ability readers in upper grade classrooms. Analysis of the needs of upper-grade students soon to transition to middle school suggest an added emphasis on engaging fluency and comprehension activities to establish deep-rooted reading proficiency across all content areas. Differentiation methods such as student choice and diverse scripts can give students options. A variety of assessment methods can be used to evaluate the impact of Readers Theater including use of technology and art. Practical applications of this study include the ability to incorporate in everyday reading routines and capacity for differentiation. Through analysis of the dilemma and review of the literature the researcher proposes Readers Theater in the upper grades could improve students' reading comprehension abilities.
reading comprehension , reading motivation , student choice , diverse scripts , upper grades , Washington State , readers theater , technology , art
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