Application of Family Systems Approaches on Intergenerational Conflicts in Asian Immigrant Families
Application of Family Systems Approaches on Intergenerational Conflicts in Asian Immigrant Families
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Lin, Yu-Ching
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Intergeneration acculturation discrepancy within Asian immigrant families is a major source of intergenerational conflicts, and subsequently, has adverse impacts on the parent-child relationship and immigrant children and youth's psychological and behavioural functioning. Multicultural Counselling and Family Systems Therapy literature offer integrative frameworks for working with Asian immigrant and immigrant families. Research further suggests that clients' acculturation levels and counsellors' multicultural competence, among other clients and counsellor variables, may impact culturally diverse clients' experience in counselling. However, the literature review has revealed a lack of research on how to work with Asian immigrant families experiencing acculturation-based intergenerational conflicts and how acculturation discrepancy may impact clients' experience with the family counselling process and the therapeutic relationship. A phenomenology research project is proposed to explore Asian immigrant families' experiences and subjective perceptions of acculturation discrepancy among individual family members and between family members and the counsellors when family receive family therapy for acculturation-based intergenerational conflicts.
acculturation , acculturation-discrepancy , Asian , immigrant , family systems , multicultural counseling , multicultural competence
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