Gidibaajimomin (We tell our stories): Making space for Indigenous feminist counseling theory

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Nippi-Blanchette, Jodi
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This project is an intervention in counseling theory discourses. It contributes to the development of an Indigenous feminist counseling theory (IFCT), which examines Indigenous worldviews, cultures, and healing practices as a counseling framework, ergo, expanding beyond feminist counseling theory. A multifaceted Indigenous approach like this reflects contributions by Indigenous therapists, who are already engaging in therapeutic alliances centering Indigenous feminist theory and practice alongside clients, families, and communities. Indigenous feminist counseling theory offers the possibility of a meaningful and cultural-appropriate counseling framework. We know that colonial trauma reverberates across generations, and it is high time that we, Indigenous therapists and healers, develop our Indigenous-focused counseling theories, modalities, and practices that draw from both ancient knowledge systems and western psychology. These bi-cultural and hybrid approaches are necessary for healing and cultivating intergenerational strength and resiliency across Turtle Island and throughout Mother Earth.
indigenous feminist counseling theory , IFCT , feminist counseling theory , cultural-appropriate counseling , colonialism , historical trauma , heteropatriarchy , bi-cultural healing approaches , grounded theory , indigenous healing methodologies
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