Exploring Childbearing, Birth, and Motherhood Following a History of Childhood Sexual Abuse

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Thoraval, Charlotte
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Childhood sexual abuse (CSA) is widespread and can have long lasting effects. Childbearing, birth, and motherhood are milestones in a woman‘s life that have been known to revive issues related to a history of CSA. This thesis will combine my individual and personal experience with academic understandings of CSA‘s impact on childbearing and motherhood with particular reference to attachment theory and resiliency determinants. First, I will offer a brief literature review of the impact of childbearing, birth, and motherhood in the wake of a CSA history and identify shortcomings of existing research. Second, I will share my own story and my personal reflections of the impact of CSA on pregnancy and upcoming motherhood. I will draw implications for counsellors and counsellors in training who plan to work with or research victims of CSA. It is my hope that this thesis will inspire quantitative research aimed at isolating factors that contribute to positive birthing and parenting experiences in the wake of a history of childhood sexual abuse.
No author on thesis title-page; author information from Canada Project Thesis List.
autoethnography , childhood sexual abuse , motherhood