Effective Evidence-Based Therapeutic Interventions for Women Who Have Experienced Intimate Partner Violence
Effective Evidence-Based Therapeutic Interventions for Women Who Have Experienced Intimate Partner Violence
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McConnell, Thomas
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This capstone investigated the various psychological interventions that are used when working with female victims of IPV and best supported within the clinical literature. This research project explored which therapeutic interventions are most effective for victims of IPV, and how literature findings can be applied to improve the effectiveness of these therapeutic interventions. This was explored through a literature review in which key studies were selected and analyzed in order to identify key themes related to the topic of exploration. This review identified a number of findings regarding the effectiveness of interventions Cognitive Behavioral Approaches (CBT, CPT, and TF-CBT), Interpersonal Therapy and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. The findings were that these approaches demonstrated efficacy in aiding female victims of IPV and a number of cognitive, behavioral, and emotional changes were identified. In particular, Cognitive Behavioral Approaches have the most support and were the most promising psychological intervention within the literature, however more investigation into newer approaches such as EMDR show promise for working with female victims of IPV. The selected articles were also critiqued regarding their methodology through a systematic process, investigating and analyzing their strengths and limitations.
intimate partner violence , physical abuse , psychological abuse , therapeutic Interventions , emotional abuse
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