Examining the Relationship Between the Therapeutic Effects of Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) and Mindfulness
Examining the Relationship Between the Therapeutic Effects of Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) and Mindfulness
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Medeiros, Alberto
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Autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR) is an understudied sensory phenomenon in which individuals experience a tingling or buzzing sensation inside the head, on the scalp, or down the spine (Barratt & Davis, 2015). This literature review explores ASMR as a therapeutic tool, examines the differences and similarities between mindfulness and ASMR, and outlines steps for integrating ASMR into a therapeutic setting. Key findings indicate that ASMR is an effective therapeutic tool in the treatment of several psychological problems. However, further research is warranted on AMSR's long and short-term effectiveness, ways in which the sensory experience can be induced, common triggers, and suitable therapeutic approaches that can work alongside ASMR to increase the effectiveness of its therapeutic capacity. Implications and recommendations for counselling psychology practice are also discussed.
autonomous sensory meridian response , ASMR , mindfulness , therapy , counselling psychology , scalp , sensation , hearing , spine
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