The Impact of Sexual Violence on Female Student Athletes perpetrated by Male Student Athletes and applicable Therapeutic Modalities

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Boonzaayer, Christina
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Sexual violence against female intercollegiate athletes is a prevalent crisis evident in today's society (McCray, 2015). This capstone will focus on male intercollegiate athletes as the perpetrators of sexual violence against this population. Breiding (2014) illustrated in a United States focused study approximately 19.3% of the female population have been sexually abused during their lifetime. Although this finding is limited to the United States, this finding is quite staggering. This statistic is only inclusive of females who have decided to report their sexual assaults (Breiding, 2014). Approximately 80% of sexual assaults that occur in within North American go unreported (Breiding, 2014; MacGregor, 2018). In an attempt to compliment the current research base, this capstone will concentrate on two therapeutic modalities that will support female intercollegiate athletes' recoveries. These types of therapies are Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (TF-CBT) and Trauma-Sensitive Yoga (TSY) (Cohen, et al., 2012; Emerson, 2015). Subsequently, this capstone will also discuss the impact this form of trauma can impose on these individuals, alongside research to validate the therapies' effectiveness. The majority of the research conducted in this realm is quite recent and limited as result; due to this more studies, such as this capstone, are required to express the gravity of its impact on female intercollegiate athletes and different modalities that will support in their treatment (McCray, 2015).
sexual violence , intercollegiate athletes , United States , trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy , TF-CBT , trauma-sensitive yoga , TSY
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States , openAccess