Successful Learning and Teaching Approaches: Self Reflection as a Bridge to Self-Directed and Lifelong Learning
Successful Learning and Teaching Approaches: Self Reflection as a Bridge to Self-Directed and Lifelong Learning
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Chuprina, Larissa
Zaher, Lana
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With the advent of the global economy and global education and with the need to adapt to changing lifestyles and value systems, lifelong learning, including the skills of self-direction and self-reflection, have gained new importance with educators and employers. One of the major forces generating the need for lifelong learning is the rapid change in all spheres of life. Self-directed learning is becoming a necessary skill to adapt to these changes. Educators and educational establishments are looking into innovative approaches to educating adults, paying close attention to non-traditional forms for learning and methods of delivery. In this way self-inquiry and self-evaluation are needed at the beginning, during, and after instruction. Educators can enhance lifelong learning among their students by facilitating the development of characteristics and skills, such as goal setting, taking responsibility for learning, understanding selves as learners, reflection, and self-assessment. This chapter investigates successful approaches to self-direction in teaching and learning in English-language courses.
self-directed learning , lifelong learning , self-reflection
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