Cyberbullying: ‘Another Kind of Violence That Can Leave You Bruised—On the Inside'

cityu.schoolAlbright School of Education
cityu.siteVancouver, BC
dc.contributor.authorBrealey, Norma
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the ways in which traditional or face—to—face bullying has manifested itself in cyberbullying. An historical overview of bullying in general and the ways parents and teachers have traditionally viewed and dealt with bullying is discussed. The ways in which cyberbullying is disseminated is explored and examples are provided to convey an understanding of the nature of cyberbullying and what young people are facing on line from their attackers: ranging from name calling, to harassment and threats, character defamation, spreading rumours, exclusion, impersonation, sending racist, homophobic, hate, and pornographic material, posting embarrassing, nude pictures or other photos without permission. Gender issues are discussed in terms of how males and females bully online. Other concerns such as the knowledge "gap" between parents and their children visa vie the way computers and other digital devices are viewed and used is explored along with the effects of cyberbullying for the victim, bully, and bully/victim in school and into adulthood. Freedom of speech and the legal issues concerning cyberbullying are related. Influences of the media and the ways in which the digital communicates ideas and news events are discussed. In addition, prevention strategies are explored and some ways in which educators, parents and administrators can build an ethic of care into school programs.
dc.publisher.institutionCity University of Seattle (CityU)
dc.titleCyberbullying: ‘Another Kind of Violence That Can Leave You Bruised—On the Inside'
dc.typeThesis Counseling University of Seattle (CityU) of Education