Internet gaming disorder and effective school interventions for adolescents
Internet gaming disorder and effective school interventions for adolescents
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Chung, Fiona
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Internet gaming disorder in educational institutions originates from low self-esteem and self-efficacy across many domains and has implications for physical, psychosocial, neurobiological and comorbid conditions, but this disorder can be intervened with the response to intervention (RTI) framework. Educational institutions are environments where the effects of Internet gaming disorder (IGD) are increasingly evident in maladaptive thoughts and behaviours that impact adolescents' academic and social-emotional health. When psychoeducational opportunities, small group skill-building, and individual counselling can be offered to not only individuals struggling with IGD, but all stakeholders, effective interventions can be put in place to relieve the symptoms of this condition in educational settings. This paper provides a review of literature relating to risk factors, symptoms, and interventions that educational institutions can adopt for treating IGD. It looks at factors that put adolescents at risk, consequences that result from the condition, and factors that provide relief for IGD. Lastly, this paper provides strategies that all stakeholders can employ to prevent and intervene.
Internet gaming disorder , adolescents , school interventions , response to intervention framework , low self-esteem