Nurturing Holistic Health in Adolescents: The Role of Mind-Body Awareness, Emotional Development, and Sleep Education

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Burns, Andrea
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This research project explores health promotion objectives for adolescents. Given the scientific evidence of health outcomes in adulthood that are connected to poor mental health in adolescence, combined with the current mental health crisis affecting North American youth today, wide scale efforts and supports must be implemented. The focus of this paper is psychoeducational in nature and is intended to educate teens and adult stakeholders, including school staff, about holistic wellness and health promotion aims. It investigates the connection between mental and physical health- mind and body- as well as emotional development during adolescent years, and sleep as an essential health habit. Each of these topics look at the values, norms, and present-day conditions that are contributing to health concerns affecting youth. The combined effort of this capstone is to teach young people how they can protect their health and inspire better self-awareness, self-efficacy, and capacity for decision-making that can better prepare them for a lifetime of health and wellness. Included is my recommendation of an educational bulletin board, useful in counselling centers or school hubs, that highlights each topic and offers health promotion tips, and is relevant and approachable for both teens and the adults caring for them.
mind-body awareness , emotional development , sleep , health promotion , mental health , adolescence
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