Exploring the Experiences of Self-Differentiation, Separation, and Individuation in Monozygotic Twins Raised Together
Exploring the Experiences of Self-Differentiation, Separation, and Individuation in Monozygotic Twins Raised Together
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Neale, Anna
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In this capstone research project the author scrutinised 14 journal articles to examine the experiences of separation and individuation in monozygotic twins. Monozygotic twins face different developmental challenges than dizygotic (fraternal) twins or nontwin siblings do, particularly with respect to key developmental stages. All individuals must traverse the threshold of adolescence into adulthood and navigate various challenges associated with separating from primary attachment and authority. Successfully differentiated individuals are less prone to emotional enmeshment, to see themselves as separate from others, and tend to have higher levels of personal autonomy, a stronger sense of self, and less trouble with psychopathology. For many reasons, monozygotic twins struggle more with separation and individuation, which raises their risk for challenges with psychosocial adjustment, relationships, and psychopathology in general. The number of twin births continues to rise for many reasons, but this is a largely untouched area within both research and clinical circles. In this capstone research project the author promotes a better understanding of monozygotic twins' lived experiences in this regard and recommends strategies to better support them.
monozygotic twins , differentiation in twins , individuation in twins , differentiation-related-psychopathology , separation and differentiation , twin-related-psychopathology , experiences of twinship
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