The Impact of Social Media on Adolescents
The Impact of Social Media on Adolescents
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Richards, Vanessa
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With the advancements of technology and smartphones, social media has become an important part of many individuals' lives. The impact of social media on adolescents has become a hot button issue for many different studies and works of academic writing. Social media offers something for everyone, both positive and negative. There is mixed evidence in the literature as to how adolescents handle the growing control that social media seems to have over their lives. The impacts of social media on adolescent constructed place, relationships and mental health, depends very much on the individual who accesses it. The effects of social media on individuals has many educational, developmental, and counseling implications are highlighted. Lastly, clinicians, counsellors, teachers, parents, and adolescents should work together on promoting healthier social media use. Additional longitudinal research as well as the creation and implementation of more school-based programs should be made a priority so as to further develop the accessible body of knowledge surrounding social media and how it impacts adolescents.
social media , adolescents , mental health , constructed place , relationships , novel experiences , traditional
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