In What Way Does Reading Intervention Benchmark Literacy in Virtual Small Group Guided Reading Instruction Impact Student's Reading Level While Remote Learning?

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Rhodes, Jeffry
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During the past year, students were out of the classroom and started learning on their computer screens from home. Many students stopped reading all together and when they returned to school virtual reading instruction was problematic. This is an action research study. The focus was to determine if Benchmark Literacy reading intervention had an impact on students' reading comprehension. The participants in this study were seventeen students in a fifth grade classroom. Benchmark Literacy reading intervention was implemented during small virtual reading groups. Before the intervention was implemented and after seven weeks of learning instruction, the Fountas & Pinnell (F&P) reading assessment was used to assess the students reading level and reading comprehension to measure if there was a change in their reading level. The results indicated that most students' reading comprehension level increased by the end of the study.
benchmark literacy , intervention , fifth grade , pandemic , remote learning , reading level , reading comprehension , virtual learning , small group reading , Fountas & Pinnell reading assessment
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States , openAccess