Shame Resiliency Practices as a Therapeutic Intervention for Men Diagnosed with Binge Eating Disorder.

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Scarpelli, Alessandra
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Research suggests that often male eating disorders are underdiagnosed and misrepresented as ideal body standards play an important role in male resiliency. This Capstone examined research to further understand the extent to which the underlying emotion of shame connects to the symptoms of eating disorders among men. Researchers have found that often, binge eating disorders are associated with comorbid psychological, social, and interpersonal influences that impact the quality of life of individuals. People with binge eating disorders are constantly preoccupied with episodes of overeating, depressed mood, loss of control or perfectionism, social withdrawal, and body image. The writer hypothesized that shame resiliency and acceptance may be used as a therapeutic intervention for men diagnosed with binge eating disorder. The results of the research indicated that the underpinnings of binge eating disorder revolved around shame. Key findings highlighted the need to address shame and acceptance as part of therapeutic strategies necessary to promote healthy living and self-care in males suffering from disordered eating. Additionally, the need for early and appropriate intervention, which is key to overcoming BED. It is recommended that clinicians improve their understanding of male risk factors and integrate interventions to provide new insights on the impact of shame in male BED. In conclusion, given the limited research on eating disorders in the male population, this author recommends future research using survey questions modified to this population. In addition, encouraging the use of the shame resiliency and acceptance model by clinicians to foster emotional resilience in those with eating disorders, nurture connection, empathy, and acceptance to address the diverse needs of patients.
shame resiliency theory , eating disorders , binge-eating disorder , shame , acceptance , acceptance and commitment therapy
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