The impact of Bollywood films on women's romantic relationships

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Suri, Rishu
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There is a gap in the literature examining the impact of Bollywood media consumption on its audience. Correlations have been found between the consumption of Hollywood romantic media and romantic television increasing and lowered relationship satisfaction, higher conflict rates, self-objectification and partner-objectification, and overall unrealistic expectations of love and relationships (Dew & Tulane, 2015; Galloway, Engstrom, & Emmers-Sommer, 2015; Lippman, Ward, & Seabrook, 2014; Storey & McDonald, 2014). This study explores whether the exposure to Bollywood media has an impact on romantic relationships. A sample of twenty-six South Asian women, identifying as heterosexual, and living in North American, self-reported measures of the following: relationship and partner satisfaction, expectations of their partners, falling in love, gender roles, partner interaction, relationship ideals, and the participant's view of love and intimate relationships. This study provides evidence that as the participants reported that the amount of influence Bollywood films had on the participant's romantic relationships increased, the participants perceived the influence to be more negative. Additionally, there was a positive correlation between the amount of influence Bollywood films had on the participant's romantic relationships and how strongly the participants agreed with the statement that Bollywood films reflect their relationships. Furthermore, there was also a positive correlation between the participants stating that Bollywood films reflect their romantic lives and participants stating that they believe Bollywood films depict real romance. Further research in this area could allow for the creation of romantic competence programs for youth before they enter into relationships as well as premarital counselling to help create healthy relationships.
Bollywood , Hollywood , romantic relationships , romantic competence , gender roles , objectification , premarital counselling , cultivation theory , social exchange theory
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