The Client's Experience of Video Conferencing Psychotherapy
The Client's Experience of Video Conferencing Psychotherapy
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Murray, Sarah
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The purpose of this thesis was to gain an in-depth, rich and detailed understanding of the clients' experience of receiving psychotherapy via video conferencing. A qualitative, phenomenological method was applied. Four participants, three female, one male, who have experienced video conferencing psychotherapy were interviewed. Interviews were conducted with the use of semi-structured, open-ended interview questions. The interviews were analyzed for themes and the findings were presented. This research has been able to support the existing literature on video conferencing psychotherapy as well as provide new information. Psychotherapists will benefit from learning about the client's experiences revealed in this thesis. The information presented will expand on current understandings of this rapidly growing mode of delivering psychotherapy. Clear information on how psychotherapists may apply the findings into practice is detailed.
videoconferencing in psychotherapy