Beyond Affirmation: Applying Liberation Psychology to Expand 2SLGBTQI+ Counselling

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Rosales, Gabriela
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In this paper, I explore the unique challenges faced by 2SLGBTQI+ clients and examine the potential of using a liberation psychology (LP) framework in counselling this population. Despite legal advancements, 2SLGBTQI+ individuals continue to face discrimination, resulting in higher rates of mental health issues compared to their heterosexual and cisgender counterparts. While psychology has shifted towards more inclusive care models, critics argue for more radical frameworks, particularly for clients with multiple marginalized identities. LP, rooted in anti-colonial discourse, views mental health distress as a manifestation of social and historical oppression rather than individual pathology. I discuss how counsellors have applied LP principles to 2SLGBTQI+ contexts, emphasizing the recognition of social and internalized oppression. I argue that LP provides a comprehensive framework for an anti-heteronormative and anti-cisnormative counselling approach, supporting clients in deconstructing oppression, reclaiming queer lineage, and celebrating 2SLGBTQI+ strengths. To illustrate a practical application, I propose a support group for 2SLGBTQI+ university students based on a LP framework.
2SLGBTQI+ , liberation psychology , counselling , mental health , anti-colonial