How Principals Can Facilitate Teacher Technology Use in the Age of Problematic Adolescent Social Media Use

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Verklan, Michael
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Problematic adolescent social media use is becoming more pronounced both in society and in schools. Research has made it evident that adolescents are the most active and vulnerable age group on social media. This capstone study will review insecure attachment and how lack of parental attention, online peer relationships, Fear of Missing Out (FoMO), and family conflict due to adolescent social media use encourage problematic social media use from an attachment systems perspective. In addition, researchers have identified that principals are responsible for facilitating the school-based community with the appropriate skills to encourage and sustain proper school-based technology use by facilitating teacher technology use. This capstone study provides a review of literature related to how principals can facilitate teacher technology use through leadership practices that have been shown to enhance and sustain a school's culture. Finally, recommendations are provided for principals to use to facilitate the growth of teacher technology use by understanding digital literacy; along with the role of the principal; enhancing and sustaining a positive digital culture, and the role of social media-driven professional development.
principals , facilitating technology , adolescent social media use , adolescents , social media
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States , openAccess