Mentorship Matters: Strategies for Nurturing and Sustaining Growth in Beginning Teachers
Mentorship Matters: Strategies for Nurturing and Sustaining Growth in Beginning Teachers
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Calbick, Kevin
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This capstone study examines existing literature pertaining to mentoring beginning teachers within a K-12 school setting. Current challenges in the education system, such as high attrition rates among beginning teachers, due to inadequate support from administration and colleagues, and insufficient preparedness post-graduation, underscore the need for effective mentoring. Scholarly sources reveal that mentoring benefits beginning teachers by enhancing job satisfaction and developing professional skills. It also serves as a beneficial experience for mentors, offering them a platform to share expertise and refine their teaching practices and career objectives. This capstone study concludes with recommendations for beginning teachers, mentors, and school and district administrators. These suggestions aim to improve the professional lives of beginning teachers and mentors and offer guidance to administrators seeking to integrate mentoring within their schools and districts.
beginning teachers , attrition , mentoring , job satisfaction , mentors , mentorship in education , teacher induction programs , teacher retention , supporting beginning teachers
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