Contemporary North American Familes, the Decline of Marriage, and Recpercussions on Society: a Marriage and Family Counsellor's Tool for Psycho-Education and Intervention Strategies

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Skwarok, Christine
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This manuscript thesis contains fours chapters that outline themes around contemporary North American marriage and families. Through extensive research via online databases, a copulation of themes and ideas have emerged as a result. From this research I have derived thorough knowledge on the evolution of contemporary North American families, its cause in relation to declining marriage rates, the repercussions this has on society, in addition to strategies and interventions marriages and family counsellors can use in their practice. There is a trend away from traditional relationships towards a diversity of alternatives. As the North American population experiences a decline of marriage rates there is an increase of single-parent, same-sex and blended families. This phenomena has political, social, religious, economic and educational repercussions on society. This thesis provides information into these repercussions and how marriage and family counsellors can help their clients through related issues. Mainly, the goal of this thesis is to educate counsellors on current knowledge of contemporary family structures and the decline of marriage, to better understand their clients and remain competent in their field.
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