The Experiences of Individuals With Autism and How to Support Them
The Experiences of Individuals With Autism and How to Support Them
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Low, Jessica
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This literature review focuses on individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The goal of this paper is to explore the experiences of individuals with ASD and effective ways for counsellors to help them. Using the Adaptive Behaviour Assessment System (ABAS-3) as a framework to explore the experiences of individuals with ASD, I examined three domains of skill: conceptual, social, and practical (Harrison & Oakland, 2015). I concluded that there is a need for more evidence-based research. There is a significant gap between the literature and practice in counselling sessions. Recommendations for counsellors are to continue to engage in the therapeutic alliance with clients and their families, allowing individualized treatments and goals to provide a better quality of life, and also to create community-based programs that will be more workable and effective.
autism , autism spectrum disorder , counselling
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