A Narratological Exploration: The Experiences of Racialized Women with Microaggressions and Their Perspectives of Counselling
A Narratological Exploration: The Experiences of Racialized Women with Microaggressions and Their Perspectives of Counselling
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Noronha, Sanda
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Racial microaggressions have been labelled a "new racism" (Barker, 1981, DiAngelo, 2012), described as a more subversive form of racism (Sue, D. W., Capodilupo, C. M., Torino, G. C., Bucceri, J. M., Holder, A. M. B., Nadal, K. L., & Esquilin, M., 2007) where prejudice continues to exist beneath covertly veiled actions and unconscious bias (Sue et al., 2007; Nadal, K. L., Griffin, K. E., Wong, Y., Hamit, S., & Rasmus, M., 2014), even at times with little to no malintent or purposeful harm directed at the recipient or members of a marginalized group (Sue et al., 2007; Nadal, K. L. et al., 2014). The experiences of racialized women, whose social identities intersect multiple marginalized groups form a different and unique experience whereby intersecting identities are subjugated systemically, institutionally, and interpersonally (Crenshaw, 1989, p. 167). The impacts of racial microaggressions, particularly as it pertains to racialized women and how it influences their perspectives on counselling, are viewpoints that are often not explored in research. Guided by a qualitative, narrative analysis (Creswell, 2005), this study seeks to understand how racialized women's experiences of microaggressions impact their perspectives on counselling.
microaggressions , racialized women , racialized microaggressions , counselling
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