Examining Parent Dropout from Parent-Based Treatments for Elementary School-Aged Children with Oppositional Defiant Disorder
Examining Parent Dropout from Parent-Based Treatments for Elementary School-Aged Children with Oppositional Defiant Disorder
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Valacco, Marco
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This research article is compiling and synthesizing the current research on reducing dropout from parent-based interventions for oppositional defiant disorder. Previous research has identified factors related to inducing dropout as well as explored potential actions for addressing dropout. Past research has lacked a unified theoretical framework to explain dropout and why interventions may be successful at reducing dropout in this population. The present study has conducted an analysis of the current literature and explored the potential for Deci and Ryan's self-determination theory as an appropriate framework for researchers and clinicians to use to understand dropout from parent-based treatments for oppositional defiant disorder.
oppositional defiant disorder , parent-based treatments , dropout , treatment attrition
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