Trauma Informed Practices: Using the ARC Model

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Foster, Jenna
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Many children and youth experience trauma in their childhoods. Often the students' trauma symptoms present in their classrooms as unacceptable or defiant behaviours. Educators are inundated with information and advice on how to work with difficult students but most of the time practical strategies are lacking. This may overwhelm teachers, while students to not receive the support they need. The goal of this capstone is to provide educators with the skills, strategies, and activities to support students with trauma. To accomplish this, I have thoroughly researched the ARC model of Attachment, Regulation, and Competency. Firstly, I provided an in-depth look into how educators can form secure attachments with students. Secondly, I examined how to build regulatory skills through helping students identify, manage, and communicate their feelings and emotions, Thirdly, educators learnt how to build competency skills in students so students can learn how to problem solve and recognize their strengths and successes to start understanding and coping with their trauma. Finally, I included a workshop for middle school educators to support students through building attachment, regulatory, and competency skills.
trauma , schools , trauma informed practices , ARC model , attachment , developmental trauma , self-regulation , resilience
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