The Efficacy of Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy in the Treatment of Male Depression

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Creegan, Ken
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This research paper explores whether Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy (DIT) is an effective treatment modality for depression in males. Depression in men is often concealed and compared to women, remains under-diagnosed despite men having a higher rate of suicidality. The author sought to understand potential explanations for why this occurs and identify whether DIT was an appropriate treatment. The author reviewed eight quantitative and two qualitative research articles and the broader literature on depression, masculinities research, and DIT. The findings of this research support the efficacy of the DIT model and highlight the ways in which this model may be an appropriate therapy for depressed males. It includes the consideration of hegemonic traits, avoided anger, and the significance of interpersonal patterns and affect. The author provides a methodological review and analysis of the reviewed research articles and discusses ethical considerations, application to clinical practice, and offers recommendations for practice, policy, and future research.
dynamic interpersonal therapy , male depression , hegemonic traits , psychodynamic