Enhancing Social and Emotional Skills in Primary Students through Integrated Social-Emotional Literature

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Hudson, Shauna
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This capstone paper investigates the impact of integrating social-emotional learning (SEL) literature in elementary classrooms on the development of student's social and emotional wellness. In recognizing the critical role of social-emotional learning in early education, this capstone aims to determine whether exposure to literature that emphasizes empathy, self-awareness, and interpersonal skills, can positively influence young learners thus transforming educational environments and setting up students for future success. Through a review of existing literature and research, the findings suggest that incorporating social-emotional literature significantly enhances students' abilities to understand and manage emotions, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible and respectful decisions. This paper highlights the benefits of incorporating SEL-focused literature into daily curricula, fostering a supportive and emotionally intelligent classroom environment. Implications for educators and counsellors include strategies for effectively integrating such literature into daily teaching practices to promote holistic student development. This paper contributes to the growing body of evidence that supports the inclusion of SEL in early education curricula and highlights the importance of addressing academic and emotional growth in primary educational settings. As a significant part of this capstone, I have written and included an analysis of a social-emotional-themed children’s book designed to highlight the importance of identifying emotions and providing support for children in this area. This book serves as a practical tool for teachers and counsellors, offering a resource to facilitate discussions about emotions and promote emotional literacy in elementary classrooms.
social-emotional learning , emotional intelligence , social-emotional literacy , social learning theory , read-aloud , empathy
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