Nature-Based Therapy: Alternative Treatment Options for North American Military Veterans with the Diagnosis of PTSD
Nature-Based Therapy: Alternative Treatment Options for North American Military Veterans with the Diagnosis of PTSD
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Demetrius, Nathaniel
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In this capstone project, I explore nature-based therapy as an alternative treatment for North American veterans with the diagnosis of PTSD. I examine the development and diagnosis of PTSD in veteran populations and describe the currently recommended evidence-based psychotherapy treatments. Despite the effectiveness of empirically validated trauma-focused psychotherapies, barriers to treatment completion remain a significant challenge. Through an extensive literature review, I analyze the efficacy of NBTs for veterans with PTSD and offer recommendations for future research and practice to establish NBT interventions as a viable alternative treatment option. My recommendations include consistently defining the NBT field, using modified research study designs, including long-term outcomes in study results, individualizing treatment plans for veterans, conducting ongoing outcome measures, and incorporating NBT into PTSD guidelines and veteran service referrals. Overall, this capstone highlights the ongoing need for effective alternative treatments for veterans with PTSD and offers insight into the potential of NBTs to fill this critical gap.
nature-based therapy , PTSD , veterans , alternative treatment options
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States , openAccess