Addressing Internalized Oppression in Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy: Towards a Liberating and Inclusive Clinical Practice

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Luna Barco, Alvaro F.
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This document consists of five chapters that attempt to integrate liberating and anti-oppressive concepts and Cognitive-Behavioural principles in psychotherapy. Its purpose is to develop guidelines for cognitive behavioural practitioners to critically think and deliver Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT) by addressing oppression, its internalization, and adapting their clinical practice to increase its inclusiveness and facilitate liberating processes with their clients. Theoretical conceptualizations of oppression in cognitive behavioural terminology and language are reviewed. Cognitive-behavioural assumptions and underpinnings are described, followed by the definition of the construct of oppression, and the process of its internalization. Research and different models of clinical practice found in literature are described. The common guidelines in these models are identified and examined to determine concrete strategies for practitioners to deliver a liberating, anti-oppressive cognitive behavioural therapy; and address internalized oppression when it is maintaining pervasive symptoms in clients' lives.
cognitive therapy , CBT , internalized oppression , social learning
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