Life construction intervention program development for marginalized young adults: A case study

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Neumann, Denise
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Young adulthood—ranging approximately ages 18 to 26—is a defining period of development with enduring ramifications for an individual's economic security, health, and well-being. In this qualitative, explanatory, collective case study, intervention programs developed for emerging young adults were examined to analyze the components and services of those programs. Purposeful, non-random (non-probability) sampling was selected for the study. Pattern matching was used in the study analysis by focusing on the primary sources of data for this study, which were content and documentary analysis, e.g., archival data, documentation, written records of events such as program proposals, and semi-structured, open-ended interviews. The primary sources of data were used to compare empirically based patterns with predicted ones to (a) explore evidence-based program components and services demonstrated to contribute to desired and effective change, (b) assess reasons why those programmatic components and services were championed as being successful, and (c) determine which of the evidence based program components and services were developmentally and culturally appropriate to build leadership capacity among marginalized young adults. The study findings indicated that intervention program components and services such as identity development, journaling, mentoring, and community service helped marginalized young adults learn how to cope with life's pressures, and problem-solve more effectively. The intervention program components and services also helped them to harness their knowledge for better adaptability and decision making. Intervention program developers can apply the study findings to inform best practice for safe, effective, and customizable interventions to help marginalized young adults with their transition into socially acceptable adult roles. Researchers have found that intervention program activities can help marginalized young adults to demonstrate increased awareness of experiences and life choices, build support systems, and influence leadership inclinations. Additional studies are recommended to confirm the transferability of the findings. The research methodology should also be extended to include a quantitative approach to understand further the factors contributing to life construction intervention program success.
marginalized , young adult , life construction , intervention , program development , social constructivism
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